
Articles Posted in testosterone drug attorney


Overuse of Testosterone Therapy Leads to Serious Health Issues

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) drugs are pervasively over-prescribed, according to many researchers and medical professionals. This is true even though TRT drugs can lead to serious and potentially fatal medical conditions including stroke and heart attack.  Testosterone therapy was first introduced nearly 40 years ago as a drug to treat…


New Study Looks at Normal Range for Male Testosterone Levels

There is a good chance that most men who are 40 years of age or older have been told about the benefits of taking testosterone replacement therapy. They did not likely hear this from a doctor, but rather from the many TV commercials during sporting events, Internet pop-ups and magazine…


Exercise Program Shows Promise in Increasing Testosterone Levels in Obese Men

According to a recent article from Science Daily, a 12-week exercise program has been shown to significantly increase testosterone levels in men who are obese or overweight.  Those who exercised more vigorously showed an even higher percentage in testosterone level increase than those who only exercised modestly during that 12-month…


Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Market Up Despite FDA Warnings

According to a recent news feature from Yahoo Finance, industry experts are predicting that there will be a roughly 4 percent increase in the world testosterone replacement therapy market over the next handful of years.  While this may seem like a good thing for the testosterone hormone industry, it is actually a…


Couple Arrested with Meth and Testosterone According to Police

According to a recent news feature from the News Star, a couple has been arrested and charged with possession of methamphetamine and testosterone.  Authorities say the arrest was the result of a routine traffic stop that yielded probable cause to search the couple’s home where additional contraband was found. Law…


Testosterone Replacement Therapy Also Dangerous for Your Poker Game

As you are probably aware, testosterone replacement therapy has become very popular over the last ten years. While the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved testosterone replacement hormone in the 1970s, there were very few people taking the drug. The reason for this is because testosterone replacement therapy…


Testosterone Replacement Alternative Value Dropping on Wall Street

There is no question that pharmaceuticals are big business in the United States and many other places around the globe. These are companies earning hundreds of billions of dollars each year, and the last thing they want to see is revenue down and their stock value falling. According to a…


An Alternative to Testosterone Replacement Therapy

There are so many advertisements for low testosterone treatment with hormone therapy that it is almost impossible watch a football game on Sunday without hearing a soothing voice tell you how you can get rid of the normal signs of the male aging process by going to a so-called low…


Study: High Testosterone Linked to Diabetes, Prostate Enlargement

Hoards of testosterone products have been heavily marketed to men in recent years, promising increased vigor, stamina and health. Drug manufacturers marketed these to males who reportedly suffered from “Low-T,” or an inadequate level of the hormone. We are now learning the reality is not only are these drugs ineffective…

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