A recent article from INSC Magazine analyzes testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) drugs and what has happened with them over the last couple of decades. This is important because most of the information men get about the testosterone replacement hormone products comes commercials and magazine advertisements. Much of this promotional material seriously downplays the very real risks associated with taking testosterone hormone in an attempt to reverse the normal signs of male aging.
One of the more interesting aspect of this situation is that doctors do not even agree on what it means for a man to have a normal testosterone level. The reason for this is because there have not been extensive studies on the testosterone levels of men at different ages. There has been testing done of elderly men, but that is a much older age group than the one being targeted by the drug companies that make testosterone replacement hormone.
This notwithstanding, drug companies claim their testosterone replacement therapy drugs have gotten a lot better and safer over the past years, though it should be noted that doctors do not seem to concur with this opinion. Unfortunately, despite the fact that so much is unknown in the medical community and among research companies, there is no significant shortage of men who are willing to take the drugs. The reason for this is because nobody wants to get older and if there is a quick and easy way to alleviate these symptoms, and they are not warned of any significant risks, it is not hard to see why these men would not want to take the testosterone hormone drugs.
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Additional Resources:
What Men Need to Know About Testosterone Replacement Therapy, November 3, 2016, By David Gomes, INSC Magazine
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