For years, testosterone replacement therapy has been marketed as the ultimate treatment for aging men who are experiencing weight gain, loss of muscle tone, fatigue, mild depression, erectile dysfunction (ED), and a reduced libido. In other words, they are marketing so-called Low-T treatments for men who are getting older. The problem is that these claims are not based on any scientific studies, and many in the medical community do not believe there is much benefit for patients who take the drug.
In a four-month trial, testosterone therapy did not improve ejaculation problems in men with low testosterone levels. This trial involved the use of injections as a delivery method for testosterone replacement therapy. As our Boston testosterone injury attorneys can explain, the treatment comes in a variety of forms, including injections, skin patches, skin gels, creams, oral tablets, and other methods.
This study was conducted by researchers at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital who were trying to see if the hormone would actually help men with low serum testosterone levels who were experiencing certain sexual dysfunction. This study involved the use of double blind administration and the use of a placebo.
There were 76 men who participated in the study, and all of these men were experiencing sexual dysfunction and had a lower than average testosterone count. At the conclusion of the four month study, it was found that the men who were give actual testosterone hormone did have higher testosterone levels as result of the injections, but these injections did not cause any improvement in symptoms as compared to the group taking a placebo injection.
While there have been few scientific trials into the efficacy of testosterone replacement therapy for patients who do not suffer from hypogonadism, a relatively rare disorder for which the United States Food and Drug Administration has approved use of testosterone hormone, the studies that have been done do not seem to show any benefit from taking testosterone. In other words, there is no question that doctors can raise a patient’s testosterone serum levels as a result of administering testosterone hormone therapy, but the problem is that it does not seem to help patients lead a better life. On the other hand, it has been shown to cause an increased risk for stroke and heart attack.
In fact, many doctors are no longer as eager as they once were to prescribe testosterone replacement therapy to patients. For this reason, the drug companies came up with the concept of T clinics, which have sprung up across the nation to administer the drug to more patients for the off-label use advertised on their commercials. At these clinics, they do not test a patient to see if he actually has hypogonadism, because it very unlikely that he does. Instead, they can give the drug for symptoms alone, pursuant to FDA policy.
If you are the victim of Massachusetts product liability due to taking testosterone hormone, call Jeffrey Glassman Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential appointment — (617) 777-7777.
Additional Resources:
Testosterone Injections Don’t Help With Sexual Side Effects Of ‘Low T’, July 26, 2015, Reuters
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