Articles Posted in Testosterone therapy

While it has been well established that testosterone levels can lead to aggressive behaviors in males, according to a recent article in Medical News Today, there is a specific neural receptor that is affected by the hormone in a way that causes male aggression.

syringes-and-vial-1028452-m.jpgResearchers in Canada performed a study on a group of 16 male volunteer patients. The patients were given a test to perform, and their results were tracked. The participants were then given either a placebo or testosterone. All participants were given a drug to lower their testosterone levels, so that there would be a common baseline for researchers to analyze without having to take into account the varying natural testosterone levels of the subjects.

Over the two days of testing, the subjects were monitored with MRI machines. The males who had higher testosterone levels were noted as making more angry and frustrated facial expressions as compared to participants on the placebo. The specific brain areas identified on the MRI were the amygdala, hypothalamus and periaqueductal grey.

Researchers noted that the research involved a small group of subjects and all participants were of a similar age. They need additional research and funding to solidify their results.

As your Boston Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) attorney can explain, this is another example of how scientists only really seem to know the negative effects of raising a man’s testosterone level. We know that TRT has been associated with increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, and other serous illness, and doctors know that if you have a “Low T” count, as drug companies would say, administering TRT drugs can artificially raise levels.
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According to a recent article in the Sun News, patients in Canada are filing a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) drug. The drug in question is Delatestryl, which is a form of testosterone delivered by injection. TRT drugs can be delivered by injection, skin gels, transdermal patches, and pills.

Thumbnail image for drugscn1.jpgThis TRT class action lawsuit is asserting negligence under a failure to warn theory. As your Boston testosterone replacement therapy attorney can explain, one of the typical reasons for filing a lawsuit against a drug company is because the company failed to warn patients of dangerous side effects that were known to the company. This is also sometimes called a deceptive marketing lawsuit.

In the case discussed in this article, the plaintiffs are alleging that they suffered from adverse cardiovascular events and that the drug manufacturer failed to warn both doctors and patients that TRT drugs are known to cause heart attacks, stroke, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which can lead to the potentially fatal occurrence of a pulmonary embolism. This the medical term for a clot that forms in the veins of the legs (DVT) and travels through the circulatory system to the lungs, where it can cause a hole and internal bleeding.
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Our Boston testosterone replacement lawyers have been closely following recent FDA action involving the risks associated with TRT. Now, Live Science is taking a look at whether the many benefits claimed by testosterone replacement therapy manufacturers are supported by study results.

250621_injection_time_-_syringe_with.jpgDrug manufacturers have claimed that testosterone replacement therapy can increase the patient’s sex drive, energy levels, muscle mass, and generally help him to lead a more active lifestyle.
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The Food and Drug Administration has received numerous reports of blood clots in the veins of patients taking testosterone therapy products. In response to these reports and increasing concerns about the risks associated with testosterone therapy, the FDA announced that the products must update their warning label to alert patients to the potential that blood clots will form.

Testosterone therapy is marketed as a way for men to improve their sex drive and to get more energy. Testosterone products already have a warning label alerting patients to the fact that an elevated number of red blood cells could cause blood clots. Now, however, WEB MD reports that the FDA wants the medications to carry a more general label. danger-do-not-remove-tag-1083529-m.jpg
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Additional lawsuits continue to be filed on behalf of men who have been harmed by testosterone replacement therapy, which they contend has resulted in increased risk of stroke, heart attack and other conditions.
One of those most recently filed was Duffy et al v. Pfizer Inc et al, which was filed last month in the Western District of Louisiana. The complaint asserts that Pfizer Inc., the manufacturer of Depo Testosterone, wrongly convinced millions of men – defendant included – that testosterone therapy involving these drugs was necessary, while withholding information regarding the safety profiles of these medications and the propensity of the drugs to result in cardiovascular injuries.

The plaintiff here alleges his consumption of the drug, prescribed by a doctor, caused him to develop anxiety, as well as hypertension and several other conditions that resulted in extensive hospitalization and treatment in a hyperbolic chamber.

Boston testosterone replacement attorneys understand that a recent report in the Los Angeles Times indicated that approximately 3 percent of men over the age of 40 seek to bolster their testosterone levels through the use of a prescription supplement.
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As aging men continue to seek the benefits of testosterone therapy, a growing number of studies are revealing inherent risks. In a recent study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, testosterone therapy was shown to increase the risk of brain damage in Caucasian men. The study analyzed the influence of oxidative stress on what are normally the protective benefits of testosterone.


Despite the potential benefits of testosterone therapy, men should be aware of the risks. In the event of a medical emergency or injury related to testosterone therapy, men should consult with an experienced advocate regarding dangerous pharmaceuticals. Our Boston medical malpractice attorneys are experience in representing victims and their loved ones who have been harmed by testosterone therapy and other pharmaceuticals. We will take a comprehensive approach to uncover the facts, identify responsible individuals and entities, and pursue compensation and justice on your behalf.
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Androgel and other drugs for low testosterone are marketed to men with promises that the medications will make them more virile and stronger. Unfortunately, this marketing material left out a lot about potential risks and side effects of low-T treatments. Recently, CBS published an article about whether drugs for low testosterone were worth the risk.

Some medical experts continue to prescribe testosterone replacement medications even as lawsuits form and a federal panel considers whether multidistrict litigation should be formed. business-man-avatar-vector-1431598-m.jpg

Those who have suffered side effects or injuries after using low-T drugs may not have had the chance to determine if the drugs were worth the risk, as manufacturers generally did not provide adequate warning of the dangers. A Boston testosterone replacement lawyer should be consulted for help if you wish to pursue legal action for complications arising from the use of testosterone drugs.
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As men age, their levels of testosterone can decrease, resulting in lower muscle mass, lack of energy, and other physical symptoms that may go beyond the expected symptoms of aging. While all men will go through some loss of testosterone, other men may be diagnosed with a medical condition known as hypogonadism, a syndrome that up until now has gone undiagnosed.

According to medical reports, hypogonadism is associated with Klinefelter syndrome, a medical condition that occurs in 1 in 500-600 boys. For those who suffer from the condition, hormone replacement therapies can bring testosterone up to normal levels.

With an increased awareness of congenital hypogonadism, researchers and doctor are exploring potential treatment options. Testosterone therapy has been a common form of treatment for hypogonadism, but it has also been overprescribed and often used by men who do not suffer from hypogonadism. This may a significant risk of cardiovascular issues, including heart attack. Our medical malpractice attorneys in Boston are experienced in investigating complex products liability cases and in pursuing financial compensation for victims. We understand the risks of testosterone therapy and are dedicated to raising awareness and helping prevent future injuries associated with dangerous drugs.
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Testosterone therapy is increasingly under scrutiny for the cardiovascular risks posed patients. In a recent case, a family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Testim gel manufacturer after a 61-year-old man suffered a heart attack and died after suffering negative effects of testosterone replacement therapy. The lawsuit was filed by the family of the victim against Auxilium Pharmaceuticals in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. Due to the rising number of injuries and deaths related to testosterone therapy, there have been nearly 100 similar cases filed against manufacturers nationwide.


Hormone therapy has been marketed to men who have suffered side effects of decreased levels of testosterone with aging. The condition, also known as “Low T” has been treated with prescriptions of Testim and other testosterone therapy drugs. With the widespread marketing and growing popularity of these drugs, sales have reached approximately $2 billion in recent years. Our Boston dangerous drugs attorney are dedicated to protecting the rights of victims. We stay abreast of injury trends in pharmaceuticals and are dedicated to bringing justice to families.
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Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is commonly prescribed to men whose bodies are not producing enough testosterone on their own. The testicles produce the testosterone hormone, which is responsible for maintaining muscle bulk, for bone growth, for maintaining red blood cells, and for proper sexual function. In cases where a man suffers from low testosterone (Low-T), symptoms can include erectile dysfunction, among other health issues. These undesirable symptoms have caused many men to eagerly embrace TRT as a solution. creams-and-lotions-1391069-m.jpg

Unfortunately, testosterone replacement therapy may do more harm than good. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now reconsidering whether testosterone replacement therapy is actually safe for use amidst a growing number of concerning studies showing problems and dangerous side effects, including a risk of heart problems and strokes. Five men have already sued Abbott Laboratories, alleging that the company should be held liable for the side effects of its low-T treatment. Many more men could also take action if it turns out that the studies are right and that they’ve been using a high-risk medical therapy without adequate warning.
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