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“Low T” clinics are popping up all across the nation to provide a quick and convenient place to get a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) injection. Interestingly, the vast increase of Low-T clinics and the amount of TRT drugs being administered is not due to the very low rates of hypogonadism, which is the rare disorder TRT is approved to treat.

blood-test652136-m.jpgAccording to a recent news feature from Worldcrunch, one TRT patient interviewed said, at age 25, he went to his doctor and had a blood test. His doctor told him that his testosterone level was in the bottom five percent for a man of his age but refused prescribe TRT treatment.

A few years later, he was talking to a friend who told him how testosterone injections had changed his life. Armed with this new knowledge, he went to a Low-T clinic that recommended TRT. He goes to the clinic every two months and self-injects every ten days. He pays about $300 a month for TRT.
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Xarelto is a member of a new class of anticoagulant drugs that has been approved to reduce the risk of stroke and other blood-clotting disorders in patients with atrial fibrillation.

e-coli-1041951-m.jpgThe new drug, manufactured by Janssen, has been linked to cases of serious internal bleeding disorders, including hemorrhaging and intracranial bleeding. If a patient takes Xarelto and begins to bleed internally, there is no approved treatment or way to reverse the serious and potentially fatal side effect of the drug.
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A Canadian hospital has been chosen to participate in human clinical trials for an experimental antidote to serious internal bleeding caused by Pradaxa. According to a recent news feature from Our Windsor, Pradaxa, like Xarelto, is in a new class of anticoagulant drugs that have been making drug companies a windfall in sales.

nurse-1-1158314-m.jpgHowever, Pradaxa, manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim, has been the subject of numerous dangerous drug lawsuits due to the fact that patients taking the drug may develop dangerous and irreversible internal bleeding disorders, including intracranial bleeding.

In response to many complaints made by plaintiffs, the drug company has been working to create an antidote to the dangerous side effects of Pradaxa. The new drug, called idarucizumab, is hoped to rapidly reverse the anticlotting effects of Pradaxa, thus stopping the serious internal bleeding disorder caused by the dangerous drug.
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Boston is filled with old buildings built at time when asbestos and lead paint were commonly used, despite the fact that manufacturers knew these substances were toxic defective products and likely to cause serious injuries. It is only years later that people realize just how much damage was done.

sliding-threads-415313-m.jpgAccording to a recent article from WBAL TV, a jury has just awarded a 17-year-old boy $2 million in a lead paint case. The victim was living in his grandmother’s home from the time he was born until he was five years old.

Court records and trial testimony show the boy suffered serious brain damage as result of his exposure to lead-based paint. This brain damage has caused the victim to lose four to five IQ points, suffer various cognitive defects, problems with his focus and attention span, behavior problems, and other learning disabilities.
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Americans love a good deal. Whether buying a car or going to a fast food restaurant, we constantly see advertisements that purport an offer of more for less money. One surgical center is offering a total knee and a total hip replacement surgery bundle to patients.

sale-1430736-m.jpgAccording to a recent article in the Charlotte Observer, hospital officials, who say they are trying to focus healthcare from volume to value, believe that patients will benefit from the new bundled approach to joint replacement surgery.

A patient can receive both a hip and knee replacement with a single bill that will cover preoperative visits, surgery, three months of physical therapy, and a “navigator” to guide the patient through the process. Hospital administrators see this as a future of healthcare in the United States.
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Standing on the top step of the dugout of a major league baseball stadium for hours a day is tougher than it looks. Especially for managers who have already endured a lifetime of sports related-injuries. According to a recent news article from CBS, Pittsburgh Pirates manager Clint Hurdle is going to have a long overdue total hip replacement this offseason.

sport-balls-1-877665-m.jpgHurdle had spoken with his team’s medical staff and his own doctors to delay the procedure as long as possible, and, with the tremendous pain caused by bone on bone arthritis, and team’s postseason run coming to an early end, he is electing to have the procedure done as soon as possible.
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According to a recent news article from My Northwest, some hospitals are now offering warranties to patients who undergo total knee replacement surgery.

knee-replacement---side-view-1183622-m.jpgAs the article discussed, and Boston knee replacement attorneys are aware, many hospitals make more from procedures that go wrong than those done without incident. The hospital, doctors, and medical device manufacturers make money every time a procedure is performed. If the artificial knee needs to be removed and replaced, the cost of that second surgery and all related diagnostic procedures are typically charged to the patient.

Hospital administrators are claiming that they are able to offer this warranty because are they are confident in the work provided by their practitioners, and they also hope that the program will alleviate concerns from many prospective patients who are considering whether or not to have the surgery.
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According a recent news article from the Telegraph, researchers in England believe one day, hip replacement operations may no longer be necessary, as a result of studies involving an endangered Mexican salamander called an axoloti. The axoloti is an amphibian but lives its life under water and has been called a walking fish.

fire-salamander-1364981-m.jpgWhile these salamanders have been described as fish-like lizards are endangered because they are traditionally killed and eaten in Mexico, they have the remarkable ability to be able to regenerate parts of their own bodies if injured, including their brains and legs. While it is not the only organism that is capable of regenerating limbs, it is a rare ability for a vertebrate and, in addition, the axoloti also has the ability to easily accept tissues and even appendages from other organisms. It does this because its tissue merges with the donor material through the regeneration process.

Researchers are not necessarily interested in using the axoloti, but rather are seeking to learn how it is able to regenerate itself, so that human tissue could also be stimulated to regrow. It is believed that this would eventually replace the need for foreign material such as artificial hips from being implanted into the human body.
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Our Boston transvaginal mesh attorneys understand for women who are victims of defective Transvaginal Mesh (TVM) products, the impact can be devastating and hard for others to comprehend. According to a news article from The Claiborne Progress, one TVM patient has joined a support group run by a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and help TVM victims.

linked-hands-925147-m.jpgThe woman interviewed stated that mesh ruined her life. She had a TVM implanted that was defective. The following year, the manufacturer stopped making the product, but there was not much she could do at that point.

About six months after Transvaginal Mesh surgery, she started to experience problems with the implant. Her doctor told her that the mesh had eroded into her bladder after tearing through the vaginal wall. The polypropylene mesh used in her operation has been proven toxic to humans.

She can no longer move without pain, and is now incontinent, and must have the mesh removed. However, removal is a complicated process, as the device must carefully be explanted in pieces over several operations. She already had multiple operations to remove all but two small edges of the transvaginal mesh. Her doctor chose to leave these small pieces in for as long as possible, because they will be dangerous to remove. She knew that she would eventually need them removed, but it was decided that she should wait.

However, now one of those small edges of mesh has perforated her vaginal wall and must be removed.
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According to a recent article from the West Virginia Record, a federal jury has just awarded a plaintiff $3.27 million in a multidistrict litigation (MDL) case involving transvaginal mesh (TVM) products manufactured by Johnson & Johnson.

hospital-corridor-3-65901-m.jpgThis case involved the Gynecare TVT Obturator. This device, manufactured by Ethicon, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, is a surgically implanted medical device used in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. The TVM device consists of what is essentially a layer of mesh being held within a support device. The fact that it is supported in this manner is the reason it is called a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) design, which was marketed as being superior and safer than previous TVM devices that are linked to serious injuries to patients, including erosion of tissue and vaginal dehiscence.

As our TVM plaintiff attorneys in New England understand, these products pose several other risks to women, including erosion of the mesh itself. There is also a risk that, when the device is surgically implanted through incisions made in the vagina and then anchored to the pelvic bone, the patient’s bowel and other internal organs may be perforated (punctured), resulting in internal bleeding, urinary incontinence, and potentially deadly infections.

In this case, the jury found that the drug company had defectively designed the product and failed to adequately warn doctors and patients of known risks. The verdict was in the amount of $100,000 to compensate for medical expenses, $470,000 in pain and suffering and emotional distress that had already been experienced, and $2.5 million for pain and suffering, disability, and loss of enjoyment of life that will likely be experienced by plaintiff in the future. Plaintiff’s husband was also awarded $200,000 in damages associated with loss of consortium.
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